
Shadowrun: Edge Zone

Created by Catalyst Games

The Sixth World Upgradable Card Game

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update - December 20
over 1 year ago – Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 06:19:05 AM

Hey y'all, 

I hope to keep up with weekly updates until we finally get everything fulfilled (even if there's nothing to update), but bear with me if I'm a few days late occasionally. 

Unfortunately right now there isn't much to update. We're still sorting out numbers and figuring out shipping details, so I do not have any numbers for you yet. We're still crossing our fingers that we will get everything shipped by mid-January, but the longer it takes us to get the numbers, the less likely it looks. 

Keep your fingers crossed and I hope you have a happy (or at least not terrible) holiday season. 

- Ava

Shipping Update - 12/13
over 1 year ago – Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 05:38:44 PM

Hey folks! 

I noticed some rumblings out there and a few of you have requested an update, so here it is~

Not much to update. We are still aiming for early-mid January for shipping. The moment we get numbers back from manufacturers and distributors, there will be another update with those estimates so those of you that are waiting for them will have them before we close the pledge manager. 

So keep hanging with us! 

Some Questions Answered!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 09:40:30 PM

Hey guys!

The pledge manager is going fantastically well. 

If you haven't filled yours out yet, that's no worry. It'll be open for awhile yet. And before we close or charge any cards, we will have shipping estimates to give you so that any changes can be added to your final pledge.  We don't have a shipping estimate yet, we're still waiting for that to make sure we give you as close an estimate as we can. So we're waiting until closer to shipping in order to account for any shipping fees or other information that may change between now and then. 


Shipping. The plan, if everything goes well, is that we will be shipping before Chinese New Year. Now, I don't want to promise anything as we don't have concrete answers yet, but that's the goal. 

A few other questions have come up in regards to specifics about some of the rewards and add-ons. I will address those here, as some of them have come up multiple times. 

* How many cards are in each box? 345 cards, give or take. 

* What are the Edge Zone add-on deck boxes made of? PVC (otherwise called Vinyl) 

* How many cards will the deck boxes hold? Roughly 100 cards with sleeves.

* Do the sleeve cards come with both designs shown or just one? Both! You'll get 50 of each design.

* Is the coin design final? No, the design shown is not final. That's still being worked on.

If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask! 

Where There's Smoke...
over 1 year ago – Thu, Nov 03, 2022 at 03:11:57 PM

Good News! 

The first few surveys have been sent (called a smoke test, to make sure everything is airtight and I didn't screw up anything in inputting items or questions) and provided nothing breaks overmuch the rest should get your surveys in 24-48 hours time! 

Pledge Manager is Coming
over 1 year ago – Tue, Nov 01, 2022 at 02:24:58 PM

Hey guys!

Good news. The pledge manager will be sent out soon, so we can finalize your orders. 

Also, everything, new cards and all, is at the printer, the printer has been paid, and production has begun! 

No shadowrun needed. 

So hold tight, once we get the green light on the survery we'll send them out and you'll have the opportunity to add more boxes or decks and new add-ons will be available as well, like the neoprene play mats and the Magic/Mayhem coin.